Monday, September 13, 2010

Saturday, September 11, 2010

MYSTAGOGY: The Venerable Euphrosynos the Cook

MYSTAGOGY: The Venerable Euphrosynos the Cook: "St. Euphrosynos the Cook (Feast Day - September 11) By St. Dimitri of Rostov Our holy monastic father Euphrosynus was born of simple paren..."

Friday, September 10, 2010

New Class starting on Sept. 21

The nave of Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral, t...Image via Wikipedia

Orthodox Foundations-The ABC’s Of Orthodoxy

This  is a new class being offered on Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm starting September 21- October  26.

We will examine the who, what, when and why’s of the Orthodox Faith.

Bring a friend, an Orthodox Study Bible (or other Bible), paper and pen.

Topics to include:
Where did the Orthodox Church come from?
What is the Orthodox Church?
How is it different from Protestant and Roman Catholic churches?
What are icons and how are they to be used?
How do we view the Bible?
Why do we honor Mary so much?
Why is the priest called father?
Why all the standing?
How do we pray? And others you can suggest!

Are You Saved?

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Prayers for my Mom

Dear Faithful Ones

Please lift up in prayer my Mom, Eleanor.
She has stage 2 cancer and next week will begin 6 weeks of chemo followed soon after by 5 plus weeks of radiation.

She is a woman of faith and she and my Dad are handling this pretty well.

I will be going up to visit them in a few weeks. My Dad turns 80 on October 2.

Thank you for your prayers.

Fr. Stephen

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

New Website

Christ Pantocrator, detail of the Deesis mosaicImage via Wikipedia
We have a new church website that is nearly finished.

The site has a twofold purpose:

1. to reach out to non-Orthodox and provide a gateway into the Church
2. to provide information on Orthodoxy and our parish to the members of our parish and others

Suggestions and comments are appreciated.

Remember us in your prayers.

Fr. Stephen

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Thursday, September 2, 2010

New Website coming soon.

Dear Faithful Ones

Thanks to generous donors we will soon have a new St. George Orthodox Church web page.

Going live on Friday, September 10 at Noon.